Sunday, August 3, 2008

Update on the Babies

I have mentioned to some of you that there are two babies we are concerned about. The first is the son of our across-the-street-neighbor, Palmyra. She had come to visit me soon after her son was born, and he was very tiny but I didn't think much of it. As the months have gone by, however, he has remained tiny and constantly been ill. I began to be suspicious that both of them have AIDS, since the mother is also conspicuously thin and tends to be sick. I had asked for prayer that the baby have a blood test to determine his status, so that he can begin ARVs if they are available (sometimes they are, sometimes they aren't). However, I was not able to say "I think he has AIDS, you should have him tested" without seriously jeopardizing my relationship with the neighbor. It would be almost as if I had cursed him. So, I hinted to the next-door neighbors that perhaps he could use some tests to discover why he is continuing to be ill, and they seemed to agree with me. Meanwhile, this week he has gone into the Catholic hospital outside of town and is very, very sick. I have doubts that he will survive, and hope to visit there this week to find out his condition. Please continue to pray for Euclides.

The second baby I've asked prayer for is Clemilde, 6 month old daughter of my language helper. A few months ago, it was noticed that her muscle tone is very poor and the shape of her head rather large. After tests for hypothyroidism were negative, a local pediatrician determined that she is, in fact, a "little person" (a dwarf). I was astounded. Apparently this does happen here as the mother didn't seem too surprised, and there is a history of some extremely short people in the family. I was pleased that the mother had a positive attitude and it seems that Clemilde is likely to live a normal life here in her community. She will need surgery on her legs, however, to correct some deformities. Please pray that this can be arranged in a way that provides her with the best care possible. I have already been for 4 visits to the hospital and clinic with mother and baby and suspect that many more will be needed.


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