Saturday, September 27, 2008

Goodbye to Spotty

We acquired a Great Dane last year from other missionaries, named Spotty. A 3 year old male, his massive stature is quite impressive to all of our neighbors and visitors!! If anyone wanted to find our house, they just had to ask a passerby where the giant dog lived. In an area where crime is common, I always have felt secure at home, even when alone at night, because Spotty was in the yard. I knew that if I were ever attacked, he would defend me with his life, no question.

However, today Spotty went to a new home because he bit our little Benjamin last week. It was a terrible event, brought on by Ben hurting the dog. Spotty retaliated with a "nip", but that nip left Ben with 13 stitches on his head. I won't post a photo because Ben's grandparents don't want to see how terribly his head was injured. I don't blame them - it makes me wince when I change the bandages. Ben is fine, and his hair will cover most of the 3 scars. But we never want to have a repeat of this awful experience (awful for all of us!!).

But I will post a photo of Spotty, whose massive hulk was an entertaining and reassuring presence in our yard. He was a great source of conversation when visitors arrived. I will miss him and his goofy antics. However, I won't miss the work I had every morning in changing the bandages on the leg wound that never healed because he chewed it all the time. And I won't miss having to put him away whenever children came over or a neighbor arrived to visit. We hope we can get another dog soon, to keep the place more secure. Meanwhile, good luck to Spotty in his new home.


Thursday, September 18, 2008

Toby Goes to School

Toby started first grade this week. We are all rather relieved, because he sure was bored during his vacation. Portuguese preschool (actually kindergarten) ended in July, and he ran out of things to do long ago. One of his favorite pasttimes lately has been
pestering his younger brother, who alternately screams with delight and with anger at the loving attention.

But the main reason we are glad is that we know he will really enjoy it. His time at the Portuguese school was good, and he accomplished our goal of speaking Portuguese pretty well. But the frustration of not being able to understand everything that was said to him, the uncomfortable feeling of being different (the only white kid), the inability to communicate what was in his heart, those things often added up to a dread of entering those doors. He persevered and now he heads off to a new, easier adventure.

And he is ready for it! I managed to snap this photo as he ran away from the car without a backwards glance. You'll notice that he has no shoes on - many of the missionary kids go without shoes all day, except for gym class. The teachers, who are moms or volunteers from the USA, are like aunties (but strict ones) and parents come and go all day, helping with various things or teaching extra classes like art and PE (Kevin is teaching this with a Dutch missionary!). There is a mix of nationalities, with American, Dutch, German, Zimbabwean and Swazi/Mozambican represented. We are so thankful for this beautiful little school and for the people who have worked so hard to provide it. It is making this little missionary kid very happy. Enjoy learning to read, Toby!


Birthday in Mozambique

I celebrated my birthday last week (no, I'm not telling how many!) and wanted to show you my birthday gift from Kevin. This was a wonderful gift for me, since I love Diet Coke and since it is twice the price of regular coke here, it is a rare treat. This clay vase was handmade and it is hard to find ones that are not garishly painted with shiny purple varnish. I'll fill it with dirt and put a plant in it. This floor mat is unusual - the normal ones are just plain browns. Kevin astonished me with a surprise party and these wonderful gifts. He had been planning it for two weeks and he, along with one of my best girlfriends, told me lots of lies and managed to keep me in the dark completely. Even Toby got in on the action, and kept the secret.

It makes me think a bit of heaven, y'know? Ones who are loved by you waiting for you, gifts beyond imagining, being "home" and dearly loved. Now, I am not comparing Diet Coke to the feast we will enjoy there, but still!!! - Cami