We acquired a Great Dane last year from other missionaries, named Spotty. A 3 year old male, his massive stature is quite impressive to all of our neighbors and visitors!! If anyone wanted to find our house, they just had to ask a passerby where the giant dog lived. In an area where crime is common, I always have felt secure at home, even when alone at night, because Spotty was in the yard. I knew that if I were ever attacked, he would defend me with his life, no question.
However, today Spotty went to a new home because he bit our little Benjamin last week. It was a terrible event, brought on by Ben hurting the dog. Spotty retaliated with a "nip", but that nip left Ben with 13 stitches on his head. I won't post a photo because Ben's grandparents don't want to see how terribly his head was injured. I don't blame them - it makes me wince when I change the bandages. Ben is fine, and his hair will cover most of the 3 scars. But we never want to have a repeat of this awful experience (awful for all of us!!).
But I will post a photo of Spotty, whose massive hulk was an entertaining and reassuring presence in our yard. He was a great source of conversation when visitors arrived. I will miss him and his goofy antics. However, I won't miss the work I had every morning in changing the bandages on the leg wound that never healed because he chewed it all the time. And I won't miss having to put him away whenever children came over or a neighbor arrived to visit. We hope we can get another dog soon, to keep the place more secure. Meanwhile, good luck to Spotty in his new home.