We acquired a Great Dane last year from other missionaries, named Spotty. A 3 year old male, his massive stature is quite impressive to all of our neighbors and visitors!! If anyone wanted to find our house, they just had to ask a passerby where the giant dog lived. In an area where crime is common, I always have felt secure at home, even when alone at night, because Spotty was in the yard. I knew that if I were ever attacked, he would defend me with his life, no question.
However, today Spotty went to a new home because he bit our little Benjamin last week. It was a terrible event, brought on by Ben hurting the dog. Spotty retaliated with a "nip", but that nip left Ben with 13 stitches on his head. I won't post a photo because Ben's grandparents don't want to see how terribly his head was injured. I don't blame them - it makes me wince when I change the bandages. Ben is fine, and his hair will cover most of the 3 scars. But we never want to have a repeat of this awful experience (awful for all of us!!).
But I will post a photo of Spotty, whose massive hulk was an entertaining and reassuring presence in our yard. He was a great source of conversation when visitors arrived. I will miss him and his goofy antics. However, I won't miss the work I had every morning in changing the bandages on the leg wound that never healed because he chewed it all the time. And I won't miss having to put him away whenever children came over or a neighbor arrived to visit. We hope we can get another dog soon, to keep the place more secure. Meanwhile, good luck to Spotty in his new home.
1 comment:
How sad! We love our dog but would do the same thing if she ever bit the baby. It doesn't mean that we don't love her - we just have to prioritize the safety of our child over the need to keep our pet. Like you, we'd find a better family situation for her to go to ..
But at 15+ she isn't going anywhere until she leaves this earth. She's deaf but completely healthy. The baby is in love with her and she seems to be happy enough with his adoration!
I know what you mean about feeling safer with the dog. In DC that was definitely how I felt.
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