Well, our trip to Malawi went well. We left Chimoio at 4 am in a driving rain (the rainy season chose to start 18 hours before we left) and had a wonderful road - for 45 miles. Then, the diversions, deep mud and potholes started. That went on for an hour or so, then we found the road turned back into cement along with the requisite deep craters that go by the cute name of "potholes". Really, they weren't too bad and you could dodge them if you saw them soon enough. After enough dirty looks from me, Kevin slowed down and worked on his "truck slalom" moves more. We arrived at the beautiful new border post into Malawi about noon and spent 2 hours trying to get someone to take care of us. Well, Kevin did. I stayed out by the car and tried to keep the boys entertained while I fended off all the men and boys who wanted to "help" me. Most just wanted to sell me something, but some just enjoyed harrassing me or seeing how close they could get to our possessions in the truck. Sheesh. Kevin meanwhile was inside the beautiful customs building where no one was manning the desk and the supervisor was asleep in his office. He finally emerged, quite frustrated and exhausted, to find that Ben had just pooped in his pants and that several beggar boys wanted him to provide them with lunch. Poor guy. When we tried to exit the border post, no one would come to open the security gate. We sat for awhile, and finally Kevin went out in the pouring rain to ask for assistance. Apparently he was supposed to check out there in the little tent by the gate. No one ever bothered to inform him of this. The guys there hemmed and hawed for awhile and finally took his information. He returned to the truck and we waited there some more. Finally someone poked his head out of the tent and looked at me (at the wheel) in confusion. Obviously, I was not Kevin. There must be a mistake. He returned to the tent. Pokes head out again. Finally he ambles out, while Kevin is gesticulating wildly "See, I am in the car!!! I am Kevin Zwart!!" and slowly opens the gate. We entered Malawi in a less than thankful mood, with poopy Ben stinking up the place.
A few miles outside of Blantyre, our destination, Kevin pulled over because the radiator was steaming. The pinprick that he had repaired from time to time with epoxy had widened into a crack, and the car was overheating. He was also very concerned because the car really lacked power going up hills at high speed (40 mph +). He filled the radiator again, and we came into town to buy a phone card to call our accommodations.
Meanwhile, we stopped at the "Game" Store. That is the name of the store, which is a South African chain which resembles an upscale Kmart. It is a place where you can buy all kinds of good quality things which are simply not obtainable in Nampula, and Toby had been much anticipating its toy aisle, in order to spend Christmas money sent by Kevin's folks. He was beside himself with joy, but his spirits lessened somewhat when he saw the prices of the toys. We had tried to prepare him, but even we were shocked. One Hot Wheels car - $10. One Hulk action figure, 9" tall, $30. One plastic bucket of Mega Blocks - $50. It took our breath away. We soon realized that anything that is a "brand" item was astronomical. But the things that were not were more affordable. In the end, Toby very happily exited the store with some new guns and a robot, and Ben had a robot as well. We wandered up and down the aisles, wide-eyed at all the beautiful merchandise for sale. Look at that - a rice cooker! Good-quality knives! Curtain Rods! Luckily we have all we need already and didn't need to purchase anything, but it was funny to feel like the country mice coming in to the city.
We got quite a few looks as we parked at the store, in our big Land Cruiser with the roof rack and yellow metal jerry cans (filled with extra diesel) on top. It was completely covered with mud from our trip and we looked like we had just come off of safari.
We settled into our guest accommodations (provided very cheaply by missionaries serving missionaries there in Blantyre) and the next day found Kevin spending all morning investigating how to fix the car. He about had a Freak Out in the toyota dealership. We have a plastic radiator which cannot be soldered, and we thought we ought to replace it. He inquired at Toyota and they quoted him a price of $1,800 and told him it would take a month to get the part in. He almost had a heart attack right there and then. He started praying for God to help him, because we couldn't get back to Moz with the radiator the way it was. God provided help in the form of a local Christian mechanic from South Africa, who spent a great deal of time the next day repairing the radiator in a way that we feel will hold for a long time. They also solved the problem of the low power by simply replacing the fuel filter. What a relief.
Kevin was able to have his annual ECG done on his heart, and the doctor noted with satisfaction that nothing has changed since last year (he has some mild problems that we need to keep an eye on) and commented that he could start doing the test less frequently now. Kevin has been jogging 3 miles 4 times a week since September and is feeling great. I had my knee checkup, which I commented on in a previous post. We pulled out of Blantyre at 6 pm on the 19th to drive an hour north to our cottage to begin our vacation, very much relieved on several fronts. And God continues to provide the finances we need along the way!
We are currently ensconced in a lovely small home on a mission compound 12 km south of the town of Zomba, where the Zomba mountain is. We drove up there yesterday, and up to the top of the mountain, which is covered in forest and ferns. It is so beautiful, green and cool. After the dusty, hot dryness of Moz, it is a balm to the eyes. We are enjoying wearing socks and light jackets, and resting a lot. As I sit on the couch and write this, I can hear the birds and see green leafy trees out of the window. It is nice to be away from the stresses of Nampula for a bit. Our vacation is cut short by the car troubles, but we are thankful that we didn't have to cancel it. Tomorrow Kevin and toby plan a hike around on the mountain and on Tuesday we'll head to a nearby game park for some game viewing by boat. Then we'll continue up to the lake for a much-anticipated Christmas celebration. Usually we have a birthday cake for Jesus, but this year I'll have to figure something else out. Maybe cookies. . . or ice cream, which is a big treat for us.
Meanwhile, we wish a very Merry Christmas to all.
Love, Cami
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