We are back at home and the usual things are going on around here. The water goes on and off, sometimes for a few hours and sometimes for a couple days. We felt kind of self-satisfied here at our house for the first year of our residence, because the water almost never went off. However, in the last 6 months we are sinking to the poor water service of everyone else! Of course, we are located right next door to the city water pumps and tanks, so we can go next door and get a bucket of water if we need it.
Kevin has been working on our broken pipes all week, and today we have water in the house and in the washing machine! It felt so good to take a shower last night instead of the bucket bath we've had for 2 weeks. Those never leave you feeling completely clean.
Our electricity is going out a lot more frequently, too. Over the last couple of months, we lost power almost every day. Usually only for about 15 minutes, but it means we go around and shut off and unplug computers and appliances (in anticipation of a power surge), and get the flashlights and oil lanterns. About the time we grope about in the dark to accomplish all that, the power comes on. It is frustrating.
We've had some little visitors around the house and yard lately. Earlier this week, Toby and I were working on replacing the porch screens when I noticed the cat pouncing in a corner of the veranda. I looked again and SNAKE!!! We lept up on the chairs near us and watched as the cat wrestled with the long, thin, green snake. I immediately think "green mamba" when I see a green snake, but this one turned out to be only a harmless yard snake. Our valiant cat Lucky turned it's head into mush and then carried it off to eat the rest of it. Kevin was unable to get the snake away from Lucky, but we got an ID on it so we could see what kind it was.
Yesterday, our house worker called out to me in fear, and I came to see what was happening. She had a large centipede trapped behind a door, and was holding the door shut with a broom. I thought it was no big deal, and tried to capture it with a dustpan and small broom, but quickly realized that it moves FAST! and it's wiggly little legs were waving around wildly. She mashed it on the head with the broom and carried it out, and then it started roaming around again. Finally I killed it with a big rock. It wasn't until I saw it in the sunshine that I saw the large poisonous pincers that make a nasty sting. Ick!! It was about 8 inches long, no lie. This is a photo of a South American one, only one I could find on the web with a quick search, but it looked pretty much like this.
This morning, I was walking across the yard and spied a 9 inch milipede off on some adventure. This was quickly put to an end with the back of a shovel, and he now reposes under a tree in the corner of the yard, forever and ever. Harmless critter, really, but I can't have those coming near the house. Sorry, just can't.
Meanwhile, the heat is impressive these days. Nothing compared to what folks in the Middle East suffer in the summertime, but we have high 90s and high humidity. Ben walks around covered with cornstarch since he breaks out into a bright red heat rash without it. He likes it, though, and frequently asks to be powdered.
- Cami
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