Friday was field day, and there were races and relays, "sword fighting" (object to knock the frisbee off your opponent's hand) and a pinata. All the parents came and it was great fun watching the dads participate in some of the relays.
What a blessing this little school is to us. Each of the teachers has actually raised her own support to come and teach our kids (one is already a missionary here with her husband and children). Can you believe it? it is amazing to me that they would go through all that and move so far from friends and family to teach my kid! Life for a single white lady here in Nampula is not easy and they are harrassed pretty much every time they go out. We are so thankful for these kind and dedicated women who have sacrified so much so that our children can receive a quality education. Here is a photo of Toby with his teacher, Miss Jarvis. He started off the year with Miss Dancey, who went home for a short furlough and will be back teaching second grade in September.
Toby received the award for "most enthusiastic" in his class of first and second graders, which everyone laughed at. No lie! He loves school and is sad that he has five weeks off. He has been learning so much and is doing very well - we can't imagine a more positive school experience for him and it is wonderful to see him learning scripture and applying it in his life as a result of what he is taught. There is no bullying at the school and there are high standards for behavior- as a result the atmosphere is truly so pleasant. Toby will be back in September - please join with us in thanking God for providing this "haven of peace" for Toby and such a great start to his schooling. - Cami
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