Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Malaria, Again

Well, we had hoped to avoid malaria this year but unfortunately I came down with it 10 days after returning from South Africa. I must have caught it in Maputo on my way back. I was down for a week with that nasty stuff and was glad to be rid of it. One of the treatments I took had sulfa in it, which I didn't realize, and so I had some itching along with the malaria misery (I am allergic to sulfa).

Toby had malaria (his fifth time) at the end of June, just as our conference ended. He always gets really pale and has a sore stomach, so we know to take him in and get him tested. He's had a problem before with reoccurances, so we'll be sure to bring a malaria test kit and treatment to the USA, as hospitals tend to "freak out" when you show up with malaria and want to admit you! But hopefully there won't be any reoccurances. Poor Toby always wants to keep going when he is sick - doesn't want to miss any time with his friends. He has recovered well, though he looks a bit thinner and we must fatten him up in the USA! - C

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