Friday, October 10, 2008


I would just like to say a few words about Carol Nauta.

Passionate. Committed. Do-er.

I didn't know Carol very well, but those were the things that I really noticed about her. She contacted me via email a few months back to let me know she would be the liason between one of our supporting churches and us. She was bright, energetic, and through her emails I sensed a great sense of humor.

But what really made me sit up and take notice of Carol was the newsletter she sent out to us. In it, she explained how she felt that missionaries and churches needed to be connected, so she had started an organization to do just that. She was raising support so she could do it full-time/part-time. She also had led missions trips to Uganda, and written the photo of one of her group members holding a child, she had the caption "Anyone can do this. You can make a difference!" She believed passionately that everyone could contribute to missions. A verse in her newsletter caught my eye:

Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God's grace in its various forms. I Peter 2:11

Amen, sister. She believed it. She lived it. I firmly believe that when she arrived in heaven earlier this week after a car accident that took her life, God said to her "Well done, good and faithful servant." We will miss her, although I'm sure those who were close to her and loved her will miss her a million times more. But we wanted to give tribute to this wonderful lady who believed in the Good News. Thank you, Carol, for believing in missions and for helping others to believe in it too.

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